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Disaster Message Board Service

Image illustration

KDDI and Okinawa Cellular provide a Disaster Message Board service, which can be used to verify the safety of family members, relatives, and acquaintances in times of disaster.

During a large-scale disaster, customers living in disaster-stricken areas who use au mobile phones can register information about their own safety status on the Disaster Message Board established on the 5G NET/LTE NET. The registered safety information, etc. can be viewed on the 5G NET/LTE NET and the Internet from all over Japan. In addition, a function that notifies family members and acquaintances specified in advance by mail that you have registered on the Disaster Message Board is also available.

Service overview

Functions Contents
Message Board Basis Registration/deletion/confirmation of safety information and other information (service overview, inquiries, etc.)
Registration of safety information Disaster situation Select from either "I'm fine," "I'm injured," "I'm at home," "I'm at an evacuation center," or "See my comment."
Enter comment Maximum 100 double-byte characters
Message storage period

Until service for a disaster is completed

  • Note: If there are more than ten Messages, the oldest will be deleted as new ones are registered.
Number of messages that can be registered 10 messages per telephone number
Regions compatible with registration of safety information

The sales area corresponding to the stricken area and surrounding areas
(Check the "Disaster Message Board" for areas in which registrations can be made.)

  • Safety information can be checked nationwide from smartphones.
Notification Mail When a subscriber registers their safety information on the Message Board, this function will enable email containing the subscriber's registered safety information to be sent automatically to that subscriber's pre-designated contacts.
Number of possible pre-registered contacts 5
Sender's address Mobile phone email address from which the safety information was registered
Email content Mobile phone number from which the safety information was registered
Notification content relaying the registered safety information
Link to access the Message Board
Checking safety information All mobile phone and PHS numbers can be searched, with no regional restrictions
If a Message is registered on the Disaster Message Board of a carrier other than au, a link to that carrier's Disaster Message Board will be displayed.
Disaster-related information Information distributed by "Emergency Bulletin Mail (Disaster and Evacuation Information)" *1 is posted. Information on Japan's disasters will be provided in real time.
  1. A notification service that sends evacuation advisories and orders from national and local public organizations, all manner of warnings, and other information relating to the safety of residents to all au mobile devices in the relevant area at once. The information posted on the disaster message board is only information that has been acknowledged by national and local public organizations.

Functions provided by subscriber course  (Table 1)

Subscriber course

Safety information




Notification mail settings




  1. Neither deletion of safety information nor notification emails are available through Wi-Fi communications. Please check your mobile network setting before using this service.

Usage charge and packet communication charge per subscriber course  (Table 2)

Subscriber course

Disaster Message Board usage charge

Packet communication charge




  1. Packet communication charges are required to access the Disaster Message Boards provided by other carriers' mobile phones and PHS operators. Usage of disaster-related information will incur packet communication charges.

How to use

Click the link below for more information.

Experimental Disaster Message Board service

KDDI provides an 'Experimental Disaster Message Board service' to enable customers to test the Disaster Message Board function.

You can check this service from non-au mobile phones too.


<Period offered>

From 0:00 to 24:00 on the 1st and 15th of every month

From 12:00 on January 1 to 24:00 on January 3

The government-designated "Disaster Prevention Week (August 30 to September 5)" and "Disaster Prevention and Volunteer Week (January 15 to January 21)".

  • In the event of a real disaster occurrence, the experimental service will be terminated.

<Areas in which this service can be used>

Areas in which safety information can be registered: Areas throughout Japan in which this service can be used

Areas in which safety information can be confirmed: Areas throughout Japan in which this service can be used


<Functions provided by subscriber course>

Check the functions provided by subscriber course above (Table 1).

<Usage charge and packet communication charge per subscriber course>

Check the usage charge and packet communication charge per subscriber course above (Table 2).


  • All of the indicated amounts include tax unless otherwise specified.