You can look up service areas nationwide.
You can look up 5G area information and technical explanations. (in Japanese only)
Routes (in Japanese only)
Commercial areas (in Japanese only)
Please contact "Signal Support 24" for any problems related to signals at your home or workplace. (in Japanese only)
KDDI is taking measures to strengthen signals so that customers can use mobile phone services comfortably at festivals, fireworks displays, and other events. (in Japanese only)
My au利用規約、My UQ mobile利用規約、ID利用規約、auポイントプログラム利用規約およびアクセスデータの利用に同意の上、ログインしてください。
By phoneOpen 9:00 – 20:00
0120-959-472(Toll Free)
0120-959-473(Toll Free)
0120-959-476(Toll Free)
0120-959-478(Toll Free)
0120-933-952(Toll Free)
0120-933-961(Toll Free)
157(Toll Free)from au phones
0077-7-111(Toll Free)
0077-7084(Toll Free)
0077-777(Toll Free)