How to use : iPhone and iPad
This guide describes settings that must be configured on iPhone and iPad for use overseas and how to use these devices.
Before departing
Confirming Data Charge subscription status
- This step is not applicable to povo1.0 users, and UQ mobile users subscribing the 5G compatible plan.
To use the au Unlimited Data Overseas, you must be subscribed to Data Charge. (Free)
Check your subscription status and apply by clicking the button below.
Turn your device's international settings on [1]
(1) Making calls and using SMS and data communication
(iOS 13)
"設定(Settings)" → "モバイルデータ通信(Cellular)" → "通信のオプション(Cellular Data Options)" → "データローミング(Data Roaming)" to ON
- When subscribed to Data Charge, you will not incur any data communications charges at your travel destination until you push "利用開始(start services)".
<If necessary>Airplane Mode setting
If necessary, set your device to Airplane Mode during your flight.
(2) Making calls and using SMS only
(iOS 13)
"設定(Settings)" → "モバイルデータ通信(Cellular)" → "通信のオプション(Cellular Data Options)" → "データローミング(Data Roaming)" to OFF
After arriving
From the settings, check that "Data Roaming" is set to on.
Once you have arrived abroad, you be notified via SMS of whether or not you can use the au Unlimited Data Overseas service. This SMS notification is sent free of charge.
By clicking the URL in the SMS notification, your browser is launched and the "start service" screen is displayed. If using the Overseas Smartphone Usage application, the "start service" screen is displayed by starting the app.
- No charges incurred for the SMS you receive.
- When subscribed to Data Charge, you will not incur any data communications charges until you push "利用開始(start services)"
If you are using a device that does not support SMS, such as an iPad, or if you are unable to receive the SMS notification due to signal conditions, please directly launch your browser and enter the URL below. (This URL is for access from overseas only. It cannot be accessed from within Japan.)
Turn Wi-Fi off to display the "start services" screen.
Push the "start services" button
Turn Wi-Fi off to display the "start services" screen.
You should now be able to use.
If you tap "Enable 4G" from "設定(Settings)" → "モバイルデータ通信(Cellular)" → "通信のオプション(Cellular Data Options)" and switch from "音声とデータ(Voice & Data)" to "データ通信のみ(Data Only)" or "オフ(Off)" while using your iPhone (iOS 8.3 or later) overseas, [2] after returning to Japan and restoring the settings to what they were before you went abroad, reconfigure the settings for voice call services such as Answering Service EX and Call Forwarding Service.
for how to set (choose a voice call service)
- If Cellular Data is OFF, "Voice Only" and "Off" are displayed.