au Wi-Fi SPOT

  • Data Communications / Wi-Fi

Service overview

Subscribe to this service to use free Wi-Fi at au Style and au shops.

You can use an au Wi-Fi SPOT simply by turning on the Wi-Fi function on your device that has a valid au IC card or eSIM.

  • With some Android devices, you may need to set this up manually.

Usage Fees

Monthly usage fee

Free of charge if you are subscribed to any plan other than the following rate plan:

If you are an LTE Double-Teigaku for Tab or Tab(i) subscriber: ¥513/month*1


Application is not necessary if you are subscribed to any plan other than the following rate plan.

Application is required if you are an LTE Double-Teigaku for Tab or Tab(i) subscriber.

au Wi-Fi SPOTs are not available to LTE Double-Teigaku, Double-Teigaku (mobile phone/V), Double-Teigaku Z (mobile phone/V), and LTE Data Prepaid subscribers.

Supported devices

Smartphones (5G and 4G LTE), mobile phones (4G LTE), tablets (5G and 4G LTE), data communication devices (5G and 4G LTE), Photo Storage devices, and 4G LTE computers

  1. The monthly charge is prorated if you subscribe to the service or cancel the subscription in the middle of a month.

Service availability

You can use this service at any au Style or au shop, Toyota dealership, Toyota rental & lease shop, or jms shop in Japan.

Wi2 300 for au Multi-device Service

This service enables users subscribed to eligible au rate plans to use au Wi-Fi SPOTs nationwide with laptops and other all Wi-Fi-capable devices. A separate application and fee are required for using this service.

Eligible rate plans and usage fees

Device:Smartphones and mobile phones

Usage fee*3:¥330/month

Rate plan

Unlimited MAX 5G ALL STAR pack 2

Unlimited MAX 5G DAZN pack

Unlimited MAX 5G Drama/Variety pack

Unlimited MAX 5G Netflix pack(P)

Unlimited MAX 5G Netflix pack

Unlimited MAX 5G with Amazon Prime

Unlimited MAX 5G

au Money Activity Plan 5G ALL STAR pack 2

au Money Activity Plan 5G DAZN pack

au Money Activity Plan 5G Drama/Variety pack

au Money Activity Plan 5G Netflix pack(P)

au Money Activity Plan 5G Netflix pack

au Money Activity Plan 5G with Amazon Prime

au Money Activity Plan 5G

Smartphone Mini Plan 5G

Smartphone Start Plan 5G

Smartphone Start Plan Light 5G

Unlimited MAX 4G DAZN pack

Unlimited MAX 4G Drama/Variety pack

Unlimited MAX 4G Netflix pack(P)

Unlimited MAX 4G Netflix pack

Unlimited MAX 4G

au Money Activity Plan 4G DAZN pack

au Money Activity Plan 4G Drama/Variety pack

au Money Activity Plan 4G Netflix pack(P)

au Money Activity Plan 4G Netflix pack

au Money Activity Plan 4G

Smartphone Mini Plan 4G

Smartphone Start Plan 4G

Smartphone Start Plan Light 4G

Mobile Phone Plan

Junior Mobile Phone Plan ME

Junior Mobile Phone Plan N

Device:Tablets and data communication devices

Usage fee*3:¥330/month

Rate plan

Tablet Plan 50 5G

Tablet Plan 3 5G

Tablet Share Plan 5G

Mobile Router Plan 5G

Home Router Plan 5G

Tablet Plan 50 4G

Tablet Plan 3 4G

Tablet Share Plan 4G

Mobile Router Plan

Home Router Plan 

Qua station plan ds

Wireless LAN STICK Plan ds

  1. Usage fees for rate plans and services are separately incurred. If you terminate a rate plan, you can use this service until the end of the month in which such application was made.
  2. au Wi-Fi SPOTs are not available with the Fx0. However, you can use the Wi2 300 for au Multi-device Service by using your au ID that you have with Fx0.
  • All of the indicated amounts include tax unless otherwise specified.
  • By phoneOpen 9:00 – 20:00

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