Please see below for detailed instructions.
Tap on "Payment" [お支払い].
Tap on the item "Billing & Payment Procedures" [請求・支払い関連のお手続き] and select "Check Remaining Installment Amount / Lump-Sum Settlement" [分割支払残額の確認・一括清算].
Select the mobile phone number you want to process and tap on "Select" [選択].
Enter the 4-digit PIN code you set at the time of the contract and tap on "Next" [次へ].
Please check the Terms and Conditions and tap on "Agree and proceed" [同意して手続きに進む].
The remaining payment amount will be displayed.
Select the device to be settled in a lump-sum and tap on "Agree and Proceed" [同意して次に進む].
After checking the information, tap on "Apply with this information" [この内容で申し込む].
The procedure is now completed.
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