You can unsubscribe from Repair and Delivery Support Wide with AppleCare Services & iCloud+/Repair and Delivery Support with AppleCare Services & iCloud+/Repair and Delivery Support with AppleCare Services, through My au in the Device Compensation Service cancellation screen.
If you cancel your membership, you will not be able to subscribe again until the next time you purchase an eligible device.
Tap on "Web Login" [Webでログイン].
Enter your au ID and tap on "Next" [次へ].
If you are already logged in with your au ID (if this screen does not appear), proceed to Step 6.
Enter your password and tap on "Login" [ログイン].
If this screen appears, tap on "Here" [こちら] to proceed to Step 6.
If this screen does not appear, proceed directly to Step 6.
Tap on "Smartphone/Mobile Phone" [スマートフォン・携帯電話].
Tap on "Contract details/Procedure" [ご契約内容/手続き].
Tap on "Contract Information" [ご契約情報].
Scroll the screen from bottom to top, confirm the service to be cancelled in the "Device Compensation Service" [端末補償サービス] section, and tap on "Change" [変更].
On the "Device Compensation Service Cancellation" [端末補償サービス解約] screen, tap on "Cancel" [解約する].
Confirm the "Important notes" [ご注意事項] and tap on "Agree and proceed" [同意して次に進む].
Confirm this "Important notes" [ご注意事項] and tap on "Next" [次へ].
Select how to confirm the contract details from "E-mail" [Eメール] or My au.
Tap on "Apply with this information" [この内容で申し込む].
The cancellation procedure has been completed.
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