If your child is using an Android smartphone/tablet, a 4G LTE mobile phone, or a miraie f, you can individually unlock (allow the use of) the apps by accessing the "Administrator Page" [管理者ページ].
From the parent’s smartphone or computer, access the administrator page of "Anshin Filter for au" [あんしんフィルター for au].
Enter the administrator ID (email address) and password, check the box "I am not a robot" [私はロボットではありません], then tap on "Login" [ログイン].
The administrator page will be displayed.
Tap on "App-specific settings" [アプリ別設定].
Scroll down the page and search for [LINE].
Tap on "Restrict" [規制] on the right side of [LINE].
Tap on "Allow individually" [個別に許可].
Scroll to the top of the page and confirm that LINE is displayed as "Allowed" [許可] under "Individually Set Apps" [個別に設定したアプリ].
Tap on "Save settings" [設定を保存する].
The above completes the setting of the LINE usage permission.
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