You can change the address for your au mobile phone or smartphone contract through My au.
Please refer to the instructions below.
Log in with your au ID to My au’s Address/Contact Information Change page.
Enter the 4-digit PIN code set when you signed the contract, and tap on "Next" [次へ].
Tap on the checkbox for the desired procedure, check it, and then tap on "Next" [次へ].
This page provides you instructions on how to change only the contract address, as an example.
Enter the new "postal code" [郵便番号] and tap on "Next" [次へ].
Enter the "Address and Contact Information" [住所・連絡先] then tap on "Next" [次へ].
Check the updated "Address and Contact Information" [住所・連絡先] and tap "Apply with this information" [この内容で申し込む].
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