It can be cancelled from the My page of "au Email Portability" [auメール持ち運び] .
Scroll the screen from bottom to top.
Tap on "Settings after application" [お申込み後の設定はこちら].
Enter the au ID of the email address you would like to cancel and tap on "Next" [次へ].
Enter your password and tap on "Login" [ログイン].
On My page, tap on "Cancel the service" [サービスの解約].
Tap on "Proceed to confirmation screen" [確認画面に進む].
Confirm the important notes below and tap on "Agree to the notes and cancel" [注意事項に同意して解約する].
When "Cancellation completed" [解約完了] is displayed, the cancellation of the au Email Portability service is completed.
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