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【au PAY】I cannot log in to the au PAY app

The message "Please turn off Wi-Fi" [Wi-Fiをオフにしてください] appears

【au PAY】The message "Please turn off Wi-Fi" [Wi-Fiをオフにしてください] appears, and I cannot log in to the app

You need to connect to the internet using a line from au, UQ mobile, or povo 1.0.

Turn off Wi-Fi before logging in to the au PAY app.

You can turn Wi-Fi back on after logging in.

Important note

  • For customers using Safari on iPhone/iPad (iOS 15 or later), please turn off iCloud Private Relay.

The message "Please turn off Wi-Fi" [Wi-Fiをオフにしてください] appears

The message "Please turn off VPN service" [VPNサービスをオフにしてください] appears

【au PAY】The message "Please turn off VPN service" [VPNサービスをオフにしてください] appears, and I cannot log in to the app

Please try logging in to the au PAY app after turning off the VPN service.

For information on how to turn off the VPN service, please contact your VPN service provider.

You can turn the  VPN service back on after logging in.

Important note

  • For customers using Safari on iPhone/iPad (iOS 15 or later), please turn off iCloud Private Relay.

The message "Please turn off VPN service" [VPNサービスをオフにしてください] appears

If your iPhone VPN keeps turning itself back on even after you turn it off

Try the following.

On the home screen, go to the "Settings" [設定] app→ "General" [一般] → "VPN & Device Management" [VPNとデバイス管理] → [VPN] → Tap the [i] mark on the right side of the VPN name, then turn off the "Connect On Demand"   [オンデマンド接続] switch → Turn off the "Status" [状況] switch.

If you are using Norton

【au PAY】I cannot log in while using Norton

You can log in by changing the settings in the Norton app.

For details, refer to the steps below.


  • 1

    Launch "Norton" [ノートン] app.

  • 2

    Tap on "Security" [セキュリティ] located in "My Norton" [マイノートン].

  • 3

    Tap on "Internet security" [インターネット セキュリティ] .

  • 4

    If the switch to the right of "Safe Web" [セーフウェブ] is ON (white circle on the right), tap on it.

  • 5

    Once the switch to the right of "Safe Web" [セーフウェブ] is turned OFF (white circle on the left), launch the au PAY app.

  • All of the indicated amounts exclude tax unless otherwise specified.