My au利用規約、My UQ mobile利用規約、ID利用規約、auポイントプログラム利用規約およびアクセスデータの利用に同意の上、ログインしてください。
By phoneOpen 9:00 – 20:00
0120-959-472(Toll Free)
0120-959-473(Toll Free)
0120-959-476(Toll Free)
0120-959-478(Toll Free)
0120-933-952(Toll Free)
0120-933-961(Toll Free)
157(Toll Free)from au phones
0077-7-111(Toll Free)
0077-7084(Toll Free)
0077-777(Toll Free)
You can check it by logging in to the au Ponta Portal.
Please see below for detailed steps.
Log in with your au ID.
The points you have will be displayed in the Ponta Point column.
You can check it by logging into the au PAY app.
Launch the "au PAY" app and log in with your au ID.
Tap on the "Home" [ホーム] icon at the bottom left of the screen.
The current number of points is displayed in the center of the screen.
You can check by logging in to the au PAY website.
Scroll up and tap on "Enter your au ID to log in" [au IDを入力してログイン] at the bottom of the page.
Enter your au ID and tap on "Next" [次へ].
Enter your password and tap on "Login" [ログイン].
The points you have will be displayed in the "Ponta Point" [Pontaポイント] column.
The timing of points being added varies depending on the campaign.
Please check the applicable campaign page.
Has your problem been solved?
Thank you for your cooperation.
We will use your feedback for better customer support.
If you have any inquiries, please call our customer center.