【Ponta Point】I would like to know how to check my points accumulation history/usage in the au PAY app
You can check your Ponta points accumulation history/usage on the au PAY app.
Please see below for detailed instructions.
Important notes
If you are using the au PAY app version 9.25.3 or earlier, a different screen will be displayed. Please operate after updating the app.
If the screen for this step does not appear on your au PAY app version 9.25.4 or later, refresh the app's home screen (slide from top to bottom), then tap on "Points" [ポイント] at the bottom of the screen.
Launch the [au PAY] app and log in with your au ID.
Tap on the "Points" [ポイント] icon at the bottom of the screen.
Tap on "History" [履歴] at the top of the screen.
The history of adding/using points will be displayed.
Please select the desired month from the pull-down menu of "○○○○ year ○○ month" [○○○○年○○月] (red frame).
Tapping on "All" [すべて], "Ponta Points" [Pontaポイント], or "Ponta Points (au PAY Market only)" [Pontaポイント(au PAYマーケット限定)] below the year and month, you can check the history of adding/using (red dotted frame).
The timing of points added for payments made with "au PAY" and points awarded for presenting a "Ponta Card" is different. Please check "Ponta Web" for the timing of points awarded for presenting a "Ponta Card".
The history of adding/using points will be displayed.
Please select the desired month from the pull-down menu of "○○○○ year ○○ month" [○○○○年○○月] .
For your reference
By linking your Ponta card with the au PAY app (linking your au ID and Ponta membership ID), you can earn and use points at Ponta partner companies in addition to au services.
The validity period of Ponta points is extended for one year from the last used date or earned date. Points added through campaigns may have a shorter validity period.