My au利用規約、My UQ mobile利用規約、ID利用規約、auポイントプログラム利用規約およびアクセスデータの利用に同意の上、ログインしてください。
My au利用規約、My UQ mobile利用規約、ID利用規約、auポイントプログラム利用規約およびアクセスデータの利用に同意の上、ログインしてください。
By phoneOpen 9:00 – 20:00
0120-959-472(Toll Free)
0120-959-473(Toll Free)
0120-959-476(Toll Free)
0120-959-478(Toll Free)
0120-933-952(Toll Free)
0120-933-961(Toll Free)
157(Toll Free)from au phones
0077-7-111(Toll Free)
about Internet services0077-7084(Toll Free)
Connection setting / failure0077-777(Toll Free)
You can check it from the usage history screen in the au PAY app.
Please see below for detailed instructions.
Launch the au PAY app and log in with your au ID.
After logging in, tap on the "Home" [ホーム] icon at the bottom left of the screen.
Tap on the "Transaction history" [取引履歴] icon.
Tap on "View details" [詳細を見る] on the history you want to check from the list.
Details will be displayed.
You can check your usage history older than 6 months from the transaction history screen in the au PAY app.
Please see below for detailed instructions.
Launch the au PAY app and log in with your au ID.
After logging in, tap the "Home" [ホーム] icon at the bottom left of the screen.
Tap on the "Transaction history" [取引履歴] icon.
Tap on the month of usage history.
Tap on "View more" [もっと見る].
Tap on the month of the usage history.
Tap on the month you want to check.
You can check your au PAY usage history from the au PAY site history inquiry screen.
Please see below for detailed instructions.
Tap on "History inquiry" [履歴照会].
Tap on "View details" [詳細を見る] for the history you want to check from the list.
Tap on the history you want to check from the list.
You can download it by accessing the "History Inquiry" [履歴照会] page of the au PAY website on your computer.
Please see below for detailed instructions.
Click the "Login" [ログイン] button in the center of the screen.
Login by entering your au ID and password.
Tap on "History inquiry" [履歴照会].
Click on "Download details of all services" [全てのサービスの明細をダウンロードする].
A confirmation screen will appear, so select "Open File" [ファイルを開く] or "Save" [保存].
Select the desired file from the Excel files.
You can check the details.