My au利用規約、My UQ mobile利用規約、ID利用規約、auポイントプログラム利用規約およびアクセスデータの利用に同意の上、ログインしてください。
By phoneOpen 9:00 – 20:00
0120-959-472(Toll Free)
0120-959-473(Toll Free)
0120-959-476(Toll Free)
0120-959-478(Toll Free)
0120-933-952(Toll Free)
0120-933-961(Toll Free)
157(Toll Free)from au phones
0077-7-111(Toll Free)
0077-7084(Toll Free)
0077-777(Toll Free)
You can set usage restrictions on the au Easy Payment site.
For details, please refer to the information below.
Select "Restrict Usage Partially" [一部制限する], operate the switch for the item you want to change the settings for and tap on "Next" [次へ].
Tap on "Set" [設定する].
Enter your PIN code and tap on [OK].
Select "Restrict fully" [すべて制限する] and tap on "Next" [次へ].
You can remove usage restrictions on the au Easy Payment site.
Select "Do not restrict" [制限しない] and tap on "Next" [次へ].
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