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      0120-959-473(Toll Free)

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When does data transmission speed reduction occur?

If you exceed the monthly data allowance of your plan, the transmission speed will be limited to 128 kbps.

In addition, if a large amount of data is transmitted over a certain period, data transmission speed reduction will be applied during peak hours.

For details, see below.

Details by plan

For au Flat Plan 7 Plus N / au Flat Plan 7 Plus / Smartphone Mini Plan / Smartphone Mini Plan+

  • If the transmission speed is limited, the maximum sending and receiving speed will be of 300 kbps.

For Unlimited Data MAX / Unlimited Data MAX+ / au Money Activity Plans / au Money Activity Plans+

  • For all unlimited data plans, there is a monthly data allowance limit for tethering and data sharing.

    If the upper limit is exceeded, the transmission speed for these services will be reduced to a maximum of 128 kbps for sending and receiving (transmission speed reduction will be lifted on the 1st of the following month). 

  • All of the indicated amounts exclude tax unless otherwise specified.