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au International Calling FLAT
Great deal with usability. Our exclusive international calling service.[0:30]
'Free Initial Flat Rate Charge for au International Calling FLAT' will be applied for new subscribers after May 31, 2017.
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【My au】Using My au default setting
Let's use 'My au' to make your au life more useful. [2:25]
【My au】Changing payment method to credit card (App)
It's convenient to pay your bill by credit card. [2:10]
【My au】Changing address (relocation) procedure (App)
You can change your new address by My au app. [2:47]
If it's troubling you, call our customer center <please check Top page 'Contact' OR come to au Style / au shop near your home. <please check Top page 'Store Locator'
【My au】Check remaining balance of the data (App)
You can check your remaining balance of the data on My au app.[0:58]
【My au】Check the billing (App)
You can check your bill on My au app. This movie introduces steps of how to check your bill on My au app.[1:45]